Fake Socks™

Happy birthday and enjoy the golf! (Er, assuming you were referring to golf.)

I thought it was Miley who was Younger Now.

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Long Dong Silver's home address*

At least it was free!

Two things!

Ah, thank you. I was wondering what the financial interest was in foisting this thing upon an unwilling community. Although, doesn't the universally negative reaction (I don't think I've seen a single person on any of the Kinja sites say they liked Kinja) make it not that appealing to prospective clients??

I'm seeing triple here! Three McConaugheys!

30 years later, I remain chilled by my realization, from seeing a bumper sticker, that war is not healthy for children and other living things.

I hope the megalomaniacal, authoritarian world leaders with dubious grasps on reality and crazy hair love their children, too!

But…without fear, how will the regional governors keep the local systems in line?


Audience Network??

The more I think about it, the crazier it seems. I could live with an AVC that had good content and a lame community. But they're gutting the content and the site is increasingly just Trump articles and YouTube links. Which I can live with if there's a vibrant community, but they're pretty much destroying the

It killed me!

I drifted away from Jalopnik for a while and came back and was confused as to where people went. Is Opposite Lock still in existence or did that turn into Hooniverse?

That and easier text formatting should be the main benefits of Kinja over what we have now (although Disqus already lets you post images and video, they just have that turned off for this site).

I feel like this is being treated like any other major site redesign, where the regulars bitch and moan because change always sucks, and eventually everyone settles down and gets used to the new design. But this is different, because it's not just a look and feel issue. Kinja is actually practically unusable for the

I used to come to the AV Club for the content and the community. In recent years, the content has gotten pretty egregiously watered down, as they've lost or gotten rid of most of their best writers, and ditched more and more of their core focus on pop culture in favor of clickbait, lazy "articles" consisting of

Meh, I hear they fight like Girls.

I'm pretty sure I saw this joke Last Week Tonight.