Fake Socks™

It was a little suspicious that it was signed "HBO CEO of Tits."

I liked Wolves, but the tone felt off. Like all of the characters suddenly developed major depression between books.

Life for your own!

I want nested comments, fucker!

Are…are we still d-doing…

The long hashtag nightmare is over! #Hashtags4Lyfe

This is good Kinjeats!

Well, this bodes well!

But…where are the fast food condiment reviews???

How come? I used to enjoy Kotaku but haven't visited in a long time.

But if I'm not mistaken, your old Disqus account still exists (at Disqus), so your original comments with upvotes should still be accessible.

The Chronicles of Ridic

Everything's coming up Fake Socks!

Confirmed: Trump election actually an AVC ploy to make Kinja transition seem less horrible by comparison.

How about c-c-c-cappadocius!


wtf is stars lol

I could actually hear the rueful laughter at the AVC office from here!

I didn't know this was even possible!

Get ready to understand even less!