Fake Socks™

Hey, that brown nosing won't get you out of the grays!*

The Powertwelves were always a little twitchy.

One thing that definitely makes me dubious about Kinja here is how many absolutely hateful, nonsense-spewing trolls are somehow longtime approved commenters on Kinja sites. How does that happen??



*shakes head sadly*

"…And these are lost drunken men who don't know where they are, but DO care!"

Excuse me sir, the Pawnee town hall is across the hall.

But will replies be penested

Beverly Hills Kinja

I'll check out the discussion to wallow in outrage, but I assume there is zero chance that this town hall thing will make any difference.


I can only imagine that owners of great but struggling restaurants watch this show and just moan "HOW??? HOW????"

This definitely sounds like less work than hacking HBO just to get Natalie Dormer's phone number.

On the plus side, free lizard tail!

I'm impressed by people's honesty. If I were a Taylor Swift fan, I'd totally claim to not know who she was on the off chance I could be on the jury. Even if I weren't a fan, I probably still would so I could sell any juicy gossip to TMZ. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm a terrible person.

Huh, yeah, I don't remember any women in the movie who weren't fairly nice, sympathetic characters — except maybe the mom of that one poor kid who was framed for cursing?

"This fall….9-1-1 changes everything"

Top Chef Canada was great — it's like they genuinely tried to be as dramatic and confrontational as they could, but simply couldn't bear it.

Is this part of 1997 Week?