Fake Socks™

Yeah, Gordon Ramsay does seem to genuinely care about fostering a great British restaurant scene. America though….

I remember when that terrible cooking competition show The Taste was on, and one year they had a British version at around the same time. It was so dramatically more tasteful and serious that I as an American was insulted that our garish, crass version was what the creators assumed we wanted, and also depressed that

Count yourself lucky! As I do, that the article I was in doesn't appear to have survived online!

He knows nothing!

When the movie came out, there were a ton of people who suddenly became extremely invested in (a) hating the movie, and (b) explaining to anyone who would engage them why they hated the movie. It's a familiar phenomenon these days, but back then I was amazed that someone would expend so much energy on something they

I agree, it actually qualifies as underrated these days, since it's now remembered more as a schmaltzy romance than a solid (if flawed) historical action flick. And yeah, the fact that Rose is at the center of the story, and isn't just an appendage of the male hero, is a big part of what I liked about the film.

I will probably make a good-faith effort to stick around. However, I have previously made good-faith efforts to comment on Kinja sites like io9, Kotaku, and Jalopnik, and have had to stop because the experience is so awful, so I'm not optimistic.

I like how the tidal wave of white-hot hatred, outrage, and loathing for Kinja expressed here over the past few weeks is being described as "apprehension" and "unease."

I'm going to wait a few hours, then make the joke again. No one will be the wiser!

Mr. Deltoid = Stannis Baratheon confirmed.

That is a…lukewarm take!

It has been a privilege complaining about pop culture with you tonight!

My mom fell asleep during it. Afterwards she was like, eh, this wasn't that sad, if you want sad, watch Korean soap operas.

Yeah, there are certainly far better films, but I'm hard pressed to think of one that hit virtually every button so effectively and had "something for everyone," as the piece points out. It offered action, spectacle, romance, comedy, social commentary, and history. You don't have to be a fan of the film to appreciate

I have to ask…why did you see it 7 more times after the 8th, if you couldn't stand it by then?

Same here, Titanic was the first time since Star Wars where I felt swept up in a huge collective pop culture moment. To see it in a huge, packed theater and share this intense emotional experience with fellow humans of all ages and across social and cultural lines was really something. I doubt I will see anything like

My first thought upon seeing this article was that in 1997 I managed to sit through the entire movie without a restroom break, but nowadays I can't make it through a 2 hour movie, because I am old and incontinent.

When Titanic came out, I became embroiled in a debate on Usenet in which I defended the film's merits. Some reporter for a Canadian newspaper contacted me for an interview, for what turned out to be a feature article on freaks who love Titanic. Twenty years later, it remains my life's most notable achievement.

Not me, baby! I'm taking up Crossfit and jogging! *falls down stairs*

I just want to understand this ser, every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the Night's Watchman?