Fake Socks™

A Storm of Suits

This situation has him stumped.

So you're saying Mist is one of the…

I'm enjoying the show for the most part, but the constant Hannibal music in the background is seriously getting on my nerves.

Well the comments at least are referencing Goodfellas, The Sopranos, and Queen.

In related news, Meyer's next novel, The Ree Vee Row, is due out this fall.

It's a scaramicable parting.

As far back as the Mooch can remember, he always wanted to be a toady.

I bought the cassingle of "Key Largo" by Bertie Higgins. With my own money!

Two things?

What a cuke kid!

Come on guys, let's give the president a chance. Let's work with him!

More like Reince Previous amirite!*

"One Trump goes one way, the other Trump goes the other way!"

And sweatier!


Remember when White House staff had the razor sharp political acumen and experience pulling the levers of power that could only be gained from watching a couple of episodes of The West Wing?

Mooch needs to go home and get his fuckin' shine box!

Geriatric Boogaloo

This video is unnecessary because all lingering questions will be addressed in the upcoming sequel, Mo' Country for Old Men.