Fake Socks™

I tried this recently — it's terrific!

I agree with both. That's why my approach is to get both plain and exotic flavors at the same time, and feel bad.

This is pretty much the shit I've come to expect from 2017.


Afterwards I like to stop by the Chet Bakery for dessert.

Hams of Fate

Phos before foes!


No love for Professor V.J. Cornucopia's Fantastic Foodmagorium & Great American Steakery?

I haven't read the book, but I did enjoy the 1991 film adaptation, Career Opportunities.

Whenever the Fantastic Four aren't on screen, the other characters should be asking, "Where's Doctor Doom?"

I enjoyed Black Ops I for the 60s Cold War setting, which was a lot of fun to play, but I checked out once they started getting all futuristic.

Basically a feature length equivalent of the Hitler machine gunning in Inglorious Basterds? I like it!

He did have a particular set of skills.

Hey I know — what if the Founding Fathers were non-white?

I didn't care for it because it kept veering into broad satire, which I think diluted its impact and spoiled what could have been chilling if played straight.

"He was an honorable gentleman."
"That's good!"
"He was also a racist slaveowner."
"That's bad."
"But he was also really talented at killing people."
"…Can I go now?"

We hate the Nazis, but we sure love to fetishize their iconography!

*Benioff and Weiss furiously scribble notes*

"Totally reasonable comparison!" — Teenager told to do homework