Fake Socks™

Provided they all end with the planet engulfed in radioactive slag, I'm on board!

What are you, some kind of Comm?

Good thing we…avoided that?

Don't call it a won'tgoaway!

I'm shocked your recipe didn't call for Castelvetrano olives!!

Asian-American writing is considered honorary white American writing.

Mortgage Boardwalk? In our moment of triumph?

That's no boon…

This deal is getting worse all the time!

It is a silly place.

Let me try!

I'm glad he pulled it out in time!

*makes "glug glug" sound with accompanying bottle tipping gesture*

Pink Flamingos ruined that song for me!

There is now!

It's more admirable than it is watchable.

I sure hope this is swiftly killed!

One summer many years ago, on the spur of the moment I took off on a road trip, from Wisconsin to the west coast and back. The problem was that I forgot to bring anything to listen to, and all I had in the car was The Cure's Wish album. I needed all my money for food and lodging, so I didn't buy any music on the road.

One possibility — a mental health support group might be a good inexpensive way to get some counseling. It might not be as ideal as a one-on-one setting, but maybe it would be a way to dip your toe in the water.

I agree, the real terror is the scary ass motherfuckers existing RIGHT NOW at the bottom of the ocean!