Fake Socks™

I'm hoping the villains will be a seemingly normal American married couple with two kids living in the Washington D.C. area…

I plan to circle back and take a deeper dive into your comment!

The Legend of Curly's Authenticity

I'm not opposed to a word if it fits and does the same job as several words.

I thought we already had New Sincerity. Is it already time for neo-New Sincerity??

I thought perhaps Clayton was using the term to distinguish between the "bespoke" material made specifically for the show, and material that was either pre-existing (like the videos) and stuff made up on the spot.

Why do all Chicago versions of foods look like they were made from second hand descriptions given over a terrible long distance phone connection?


I just hope he prepares for the role and doesn't just wing it.

I've avoided success and fame my entire life for this very reason!

Sad upvote

It's fuck yous all the way down!

I think it's actually been an interesting debate in that it's raised all of these issues around mourning customs and the right and wrong of discussing the personal lives of public figures on the Internet. I'll never wrap my head around the fact that you can be talking about a celebrity in an online forum, and that

Awesome! Same to you. I actually just found out today that there's a Smart meeting right across the street from where I live so I am checking it out this week. Best of luck to us both!

Thank you! I've committed to at least 30 days. I'm so tired of falling off the wagon that I might just make it out of sheer exasperation!

Now that you mention it, she is an attractive woman!

One is missing a last name?