Fake Socks™

How awful. I am sorry for your terrible loss.

I've been trying to quit with varying degrees of unsuccess for a while now (currently 8 days sober…woo hoo….) Reading your posts about your recovery have been a continuing source of inspiration and something to aspire to!

I feel like that's blaming the symptoms for the disease.

"Brown Lines (Don't Don't Do It)"

That's what I love about movies, man. I get older, they mysteriously de-age.

More like Napoleon Dynamite

You do you!

In my house, it sounds like a grown man crying while drunkenly singing along to "Yesterday."

Those crazy kids! They're so crazy!

We hate it when our friends like Smash Mouth!

You're an all-star, fatty!

I suspect our future will be some combination of Blade Runner, Children of Men, and Artificial Intelligence.


Yeah I dunno. I find it hard to jump onto the "leave Patton alone" train, because for better or worse the guy does choose to engage with the public to a great degree for a celebrity. He puts himself out there, gets criticized, and lashes out at his critics. I don't get the sense from Oswalt that he doesn't want to

I've drifted away from Twitter and Facebook over the years because social media, for me, has ceased to be a worthwhile platform for meaningful communication or relationships. I don't like how so much of it is about farming "likes" and followers. It's great for keeping up with friends' lives, but at the same time, ever

Speaking of my free floating anxiety and abandonment issues…

I think of them as "longform subtweets."

It's always gotta be about EricaRoman.me, doesn't it, Erica Roman?

Old Ladies Casino? Isn't that a bit on the nose?

Let's say I've got a leaky gut feeling.