Fake Socks™

I dunno, I saw Maximum Overdrive and did not feel better at all.

I'd gladly take up a life of crime if it didn't involve so much work.

Whenever Piper's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Taystee?"

It was an interesting concept that I think ultimately became a narrative straitjacket. I agree, this story could have been much more effectively told over a few episodes with the 2nd half of the season dealing with the aftermath. There just wasn't enough story in the riot to fill out an entire season.

I don't know if it was the funniest sketch on Kroll Show (I probably laughed harder at Gigolo House), but I felt like it was the one that Kroll most enjoyed doing.

mountainous reserves of self-aggrandizement, abnormally pointed malice, and penchant for idiosyncratic pronunciation

The A.V. Club
flaky-skinned gray-beards who subsist solely on canned tuna and regret

But it's funny! Because he's a big burly man…and he's gay! And he's into effeminate hobbies…but he's a big fat guy! It's ironic! That's hilarious!

Great Job, Litchfield!

You got your wish!

Great point re: episode titles.


I'm treating myself tonight…to alcoholism!

Everything is permitted

I'll put ketchup on an overcooked steak, because fuck that crappy steak, it deserves to be desecrated!

Treat Yo Coronary Artery Disease!

He's the president we need right now, but not the one we deserve.

I had a comment ready, but didn't want to russet.

I have to agree – my opinion of this season has steadily declined with each episode. The previous season finale ended on such a tense, ominous note, and its dramatic possibilities have been largely squandered in favor of cringe comedy. I mean, I’m still mostly entertained on that level, but I’m no longer relating to

Ho! Where you guys going? Hey!