Fake Socks™

The surprise cameo by David S. Pumpkins elevated it a full letter grade.

Assassins Creed: Origins: Dawn of Ennui: Boredom Rising

Well it did portray gay people having sex, so it was porn, just like every other TV show where straight people have sex.

The complaints about this are baffling to me. No one is forced to read or comment on a review just because it's there. They don't have expiration dates. They're not going anywhere. And since they're all available, people can read and comment at their preferred pace.

For me, this review schedule works the best so far for Netflix shows, and I hope you guys will continue it. I binged all of Master of None the first day, and it would definitely have been cool to be able to read reviews and discussion of all of the episodes sooner rather than later, because instant gratification

Note: My attention span died on the way back to its home planet.

I don't mind the way they're doing it for this season, but they probably should not have put up links to individual reviews on the main page.

In a way it's appropriate though, since the season itself takes place over just a few days!

Vitamin pills are a hell of an herbal supplement.

Upvoted (didn't read)

I wish the episode had been clearer about why Janae was visiting that private school. I got the impression that it was some sort of field trip for kids from poor schools, and was like, Jesus, is that actually a thing that happens?

It's too bad these aren't the actual storylines for this season! (Or…are they?)

OITNB kinda lost me last season, with its incessant focus on the COs and MCC. While I appreciated that the show was tackling the evils of private prisons, the reason I watch OITNB is for the prisoners' stories. I had no use for a Healy-centric flashback, for instance, or the scenes at the private prison trade show. It

I don't think it affects my enjoyment of the show overall, but for me the tonal dissonance tips the show well into the comedic/absurdist realm, such that I tend not to be that affected by the more dramatic, serious scenes. I felt kind of emotionally detached from last season's big emotional moment, for instance,


Nicky definitely seems like a character whose story has run its course, and the writers don't know what to do with her at this point.

Confirmed: Litchfield is one of those celestial afterlife waiting rooms a la Lost.

Spoiler: Taystee died on the way back to her home planet.

Points well taken! I think that "bottle episode" reference stuck out for me because OITNB by virtue of its premise seems inherently…bottle-y? Since the characters are (almost) always confined to one location, and that tension arising from close proximity fuels most of the storylines. So it seems odd to me to consider

Fuck Whitey (Bulger)!