Fake Socks™

Surprise ending to the Alien series — they're Golgafrinchans!

I want to live in a future where dumbfucks are so uncommon that it's feasible to send them off planet in huge spaceships! I always thought the Alien universe was depressing, but it's more optimistic than Star Trek!

Well that was still some authentic sounding British gibberish! *sods off*

Not the time for this I know, but you guys lead the world in awesome ways to tell people to fuck off.

Whenever Jon Lovitz isn't punching Andy Dick onscreen, all the viewers should be asking, "why isn't Jon Lovitz punching Andy Dick?"

And to inappropriately quote Schindler's List, "there will be generations because of what you've done."

On the other hand, destroying Aku means that everyone he killed over the years goes on to live their lives and possibly reproduce. So Jack may have erased millions of lives, but he also restored countless lives (in addition to those who will still be born in the new timeline). So, I think morally it shakes out in



Scared the shit out of me as a kid.

I'm really enjoying the music this season. I haven't heard "Dolce Vita" by Ryan Paris since the 80s. Love that cheesy New Wave.

Seems a bit early to be giving this show a…bad rap

My girlfriend is better at these than I am.

And "LV" was right there!

Yeah! Glad to see someone else who appreciates Resurrection. It's not a good film, but I think it's actually the most disturbing by far.

I'd like to, but my eyes are rolling too wildly in their sockets!

I like a splash of molecular acid in my whac-a-mole!

Worse than Gotham? Damn!

That one briefly made me think my TV broke!

They go down smooth!