Fake Socks™

I can't watch or enjoy actual Woody Allen anymore, so I for one am happy to have a non-monstrous alternative.



Ta ta!

Bag O' Glass Xtreme!

As a very occasional Doctor Who viewer, the rumor of a female Doctor was the one thing tempting me to get onboard the next series.

The movie that actually brought me close to vomiting was Pink Flamingos — that infamous scene. Specifically the shot of Divine sticking out her tongue with dog shit smeared all over it. Gah!

I had to stop listening to Radiolab for that very reason!

The scene in The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover where the lovers make their escape in the back of a truck full of rotten meat.

How about the scene in Dead or Alive where the hooker is drowned in a pool of her own feces? Good times!

I made it all of three minutes into that movie.

In case it hasn’t been mentioned already, the music in the trailer is the chimes from the pocket watch in For a Few Dollars More!

“It’s time...for the Jedi...to end...THE SITH”

I for one welcome a future of autonomous semis as promised in Logan!

Keep Valhalla Weird

It does —Alan Sepinwall gave it a “meh” review based on the first few episodes, but after finishing the season actually posted a retraction and glowing revised review. That was pretty much my experience, too. I was bored and confused by the first 2-3 episodes, but at some point it clicked and became a thrilling

Call me crazy, but if I like a restaurant, I usually don’t try to make sure to minimize their revenues and drive them out of business!

Not quite what I expected from a game called V-Commandos.

STID could have resolved the whitewashing issue easily by just going with the ubiquitous “Kahn” misspelling and making the character Jewish.

Your avatar keeps making me try to wipe my phone screen!