Fake Socks™

By “they” do you mean a studio capable of the task, or Paramount?

Whups! I almost bought this without realizing it wasn’t Red Dead Redemption but the earlier game!

Whups! I almost bought this without realizing it wasn’t Red Dead Redemption but the earlier game!

I got Lefevre...and the only cure is more shrimp!

It’s a cookbook!!!

Crazy theory: “Dolores” and “Delores” are...wait for it...the same person!!

It certainly makes you think about what draws you to games. I liked everything about F.E.A.R. that this post highlights, but the story just wasn’t compelling enough to keep me interested. Dragon Age 2 was a poor game in many respects, but I really connected with the characters and got into the storyline, so I enjoyed

(Based on the novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire)


I spent a couple of years as a vegan, and one lasting side effect is that I lost any aversion to the idea of eating human flesh. Once you adopt a mindset that we should not be eating intelligent animals, it’s easy to then remove any distinctions between types of intelligent animals, so that eating human meat doesn’t

It should be noted though that Whole30 isn’t intended to be a weight loss plan (and the article curiously doesn’t note that it’s just a 30 day plan, not an ongoing diet). However, I do agree with you, the best thing you can do to lose weight is cut out fast food and eat less in general. I’ve lost over 30 pounds over

This piece appears to be based on a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of what Whole30 is. It is not a “diet” in the sense of an ongoing eating plan. It’s right there in the name — it’s a 30-day elimination diet to sort of “reset” your digestive system and give you an opportunity to find out what foods agree or don’t

For me, MoS was actually the first Superman film or TV show that captured the moral complexity of the character. Superman, after all, is defined as much by the people he can’t save as those he can. Every time you see him on a date with Lois Lane or visiting his parents, he’s not preventing plane crashes or catching

Yeah, it’s irritating when people crap on the Psycho remake, because it was made as a cinematic experiment — the fact that it was a shot-for-shot recreation was the entire point. One can argue that it wasn’t entirely successful on its own terms, but I thought it was fascinating. I’d love to see this attempted with

I imagine they read three plot outlines about trade negotiations and noped out of there like the two stormtroopers in TFA.

Rey and Finn who have grown up without families finding each other...the broken relationships between Leia and Han and their son. Family is at the very heart of TFA. Meanwhile you have Return of the Jedi where the fact that Luke and Leia are siblings is dropped and then pretty much totally ignored. Lucas is

A star was literally used to make war!!!!

I wouldn’t want to see every new film hit the same nostalgic notes, but for this one, it’s entirely appropriate. It’s not just a return to the galaxy and characters we last saw in Return of the Jedi, but it’s a film explicitly passing the torch to a new generation of characters.

I’d also include Insurrection on the “exploration and discovery” list. So...yeah. And really, the whole point of the Star Trek films (versus the TV series) has been to offer a larger-scale, visually spectacular departure from the normal course of Starfleet affairs. They’re centered around some huge event in this

Yeesh! Yeah, “Sabotage” is by far the least dorky piece of music to be featured on Star Trek. Which, come to think of it, is probably why so many Trekkies object to it....