Fake Socks™

I’m guessing it died around the end of season 2 of TNG.

I like Worf, but I kinda got my fill of that character over two series and several films.

Also, someone will complain about being spoiled about something in a daily feature called Morning Spoilers.

Hmm that doesn't bode well for Han and Leia....just saying....

I think your memory of where the Star Trek franchise was at pre-reboot is a bit...rosy. After Insurrection and Nemesis, and the slow lingering death of Enterprise, Trek was effectively dead. Everyone involved walked away from it, and Paramount nixed any further attempts at reviving it until Abrams came forward with

I haven’t been rooting around too much for spoilers, but I have a strong suspicion that what the Resistance is resisting is not the First Order but actually the New Republic. The New Republic is trying to restore order to a galaxy that is in a state of chaos, focusing on diplomacy and trying to quell violence, and the

If that turns out to be the case, I’m OK with it. From what we’ve seen of the trailers, the film is very much about looking back to the original trilogy, and I think that’s fine for a film that’s intended to pass the baton to a new generation of characters. I imagine there will be a firestorm of griping about

While my feelings aren’t as extreme as your own, I agree that Abrams was the wrong fit for Star Trek. Being unfamiliar with the franchise, he did not have the right sense of the characters or the spirit of Trek, and made a solid space opera film that was Star Trek in name only, compensating for this fact with a bit of

So true. I watched the Phantom Menace trailer recently for the first time since it premiered, and I felt like Chazz Palminteri at the end of The Usual Suspects. The clues were all there!!!

Excellent username/comment synergy there sir or madam!

This encapsulates my experience with Fallout 4. Try as I might, I’m just not feeling it. For me it seems to be simply a fundamental incompatibility with Bethesda games. I’m 0 for 4 trying to get into Skyrim, and even with Fallout 3 I made it through about a third of the game fueled solely by nostalgia before being

War, man. I keep getting older, it stays the same age.

Guys. BB-8 literally is a gigantic ball. Can it be more obvious. They probably should have called him DZ-NTZ to eliminate any confusion.

Huh, yeah I dunno. I think Annie Hall is a legit classic film, but I don’t know that it’s exactly a laugh riot. It’s not even really his funniest film — for me it’s Take the Money and Run — especially since it comes towards the end of his “early, funny” period when he was moving more towards serious films.

It would be an awesome twist if the First Order was merely a red herring and was destroyed in this movie — revealing the actual antagonist of the trilogy to be the New Republic, going after the Resistance for defying the rule of law by wiping out the First Order!

Something I’m really digging about The Force Awakens — from what we’ve been shown, anyway — is how fucked up everyone is. Rey is a sad loner with poor self-esteem. Kylo is an angry Darth Vader fanboy who can sorta Force but can’t build a proper lightsaber. Apparently this Snoke fellow is nursing some kind of trauma.

Wait, you are a dog...how will you see TFA anyway, we don’t allow your kind in theaters!

I compare it to the fall of the Soviet Union, which was (wiki-wiki-wiki) 24 years ago? Ask a random 20 year old about those events, or about Reagan and Gorbachev, and I suspect you will get some vague-ass responses.

I sense Dooku...