Fake Socks™

I will defend the first Star Trek with all my heart. The second, I would throw to the dogs. For me, Into Darkness drowned all the promise of the first film in a manure pit of pointless winking references and contrived Wrath of Khan callbacks. Plus, the absolute worst casting in recent memory with Benedict Cumberbatch

Han Solo saying that the old stories were true...shivers! There is definitely a “meta” feel to the whole thing. Just the fact that there’s a similar gap in time between the original trilogy and this film, and how it kind of recreates the feeling, for us olds as well as the younglings, of the excitement of the original

I’m OK with anyone who wants to be critical of the new film, as long as they acknowledge that the prequels were horrible, and J.J. Abrams could have filmed two hours of these characters just sitting on a couch getting shitfaced, and it still would have been better Star Wars than at least 75% of the previous three

I won’t defend Into Darkness in any way, but every Trek fan who got all bent out of shape over the first Trek reboot needed to be forced to watch Insurrection and Nemesis over and over again until they got their heads straightened out. However flawed Star Trek may have been, it nevertheless rescued the franchise from

Let what in?

I’ve never understood how Stormtroopers can hit anything with those crazy helmets they have to wear.

And of course, there are going to be Star Wars fanboys who will complain about these new films, somehow forgetting how bad the last few were. Like the Trekkies who bitched and moaned about the new Star Trek, because, um, I dunno, they squandered the bright future for the franchise promised by Star Trek Nemesis and

I like the whole “cult of Darth Vader” thing. The Knights of Ren are basically Star Wars fanboys.

1. Lucas is not involved.

Yeah, I’m sorry but that’s the kind of statement that could only be made by someone who is deeply intoxicated at the time. It’s beyond ridiculous. The entire point of Godfather II is to contrast Michael Corleone’s leadership of his family with Vito’s. But without even getting into thematic elements, if you actually

Yeah, that is...a staggering bit of nonsense.

I feel like any discussion of why action films work or don’t work has to include some mention of John Wick. This is a movie that, on paper, had no business being as good as it was. It features a laundry list of overused action movie tropes, like the indestructible hero with superhuman skills, the villains being

I had a similar response to Genisys — everything seemed fine, I mean the action was...actiony...I actually kinda liked the plot, and it had some big set pieces and everything you’d think a solid action flick needs. Yet I was completely bored throughout.

And what's with the stripper boots?

I made a “beef stroganoff” the other night that was pretty good — just fried up some ground beef, onions, and mushrooms, and added them to beef ramen along with a dollop of sour cream.

My god man, why would you include Martyrs on a “horror newcomers” list? If anything it should be on a list for “people who are ready to be done with horror movies forever.”

Something I’ve always wondered — how/why does this work? What does the vinegar do?

He forgot step four: work for Google!

The most useful tip for me from this article (that probably should have been obvious) is that page loading only improves as much as your slowest activated ad-blocker. I have three of them installed, and have had all of them turned on, thinking more would cover more bases. D’ohh!

Now I want a website that reviews loading times of other websites! Some of these benchmarks are shocking!