
Wait. Correcting an error, that everyone involved recognizes an error ... is against the law?

Lol, my parents did that too.  It wasn’t until we got a better TV partway through her career that I could successfully point out to them the fact that “she has flesh coloured mesh up to her chin (practically) to keep all those parts in place”.

“Oh my.  I may need my fainting couch”

That’s what the Russian bots want you to think.

That’s some sort of child abuse right there... ;-)

This is the worst. And its so stupidly “downward spiral” from the customer side of things.

So you say ... you don’t KNOW that Russians weren’t involved. And that, to me, is one of the worst parts about the government taking a brain-dead pass on protecting election processes and infrastructure.

That doesn’t scream “racist” to me, that screams “he got away with it, just like the guy who raped me did”...

Yet more classic projection.

Winters in LA for work and school for Archie, summers on the Island for relaxing and remembering how to live like a human.

When you’re smart enough to realize that grifting on-line might make you popular ... but far too stupid to successfully execute it.

Sure.   Let me be more explicit.  I want him to drop dead before the election.  ;-)

I wouldn’t mind if he took a turn at trying FDR’s end of term exit.

The mantra of the right

Haggis is delightful. Since I live so far away from Scotland, I can only ever get it on two occasions - Robbie Burns Day and any local Scottish weddings I can wangle an invite to.

Eh, just ignore her. She’s going to go away soon enough, and like every other career politician (and yes, while she started as “Bill’s wife”, she very much turned politics into her career) she’s an attention monkey.

TWO spaces after every period, editors losing their minds...

“And now the student has become the master”

When black people made their victimization a rallying cry, it was only a matter of time before white people - because we have no “culture” of our own - would seek to co-opt it.

For those who care - in terms of directing joy away from the school who was a dick to her many years ago - it was Goshen College.