The article is quite clearly calling out TPTB for bringing him back while sweeping his past under the rug, not calling out him for taking his old job back. Did you miss that willfully ...?
The article is quite clearly calling out TPTB for bringing him back while sweeping his past under the rug, not calling out him for taking his old job back. Did you miss that willfully ...?
I’m pretty sure that “E Pluribus Unum” stands for “Fuck You, I got mine!”.
We’ll be the judge of that. Because, what is the internet for, if not to enable the judging of other people from the comfort of my mom’s basement...
And all the teachers, janitors, security guards, bus drivers, crossing guards, Lunch Lady Doris’, secretaries? Those people? Well, fuck them all.
I see Alyssa Milano when she was going through her “Britney shaving her head in public” phase....
You sound .... offended.
Wait. So, Trump is the Second Coming, a gift from God, who’s busy making America great again? AND Covid-19 is a massive psyops campaign conducted by the government against the American people?
Could not agree more. Civ 5 is the best (although, that’s leaving out 6 ... because I haven’t bought it since I’m still playing 5 on a regular basis).
But even a 16 year old in 1946 would be 90 now. This isn’t about someone who was there... it’s about the grandchildren of someone who was there.
So, Macy’s is to the US what Sears was to Canada. Or maybe Hudson’s Bay.
Only if they die. Otherwise it will simply become fodder for them to claim “see, it wasn’t all that bad!” ... which is actually worse than if they never got it.
Well, not ALL of them ... ‘cause who would fix up their julips if all the po’ folk be dead?
Man, some people just can’t help but pull their pants down and show their ass, can they?
Like in a “social distancing, you’ll go blind if you do that too much” kind of way?
There are certain court cases that are so stupid that I actually want them to come to trial. Like, I WANT this to be the “trial of the Century” in New York, be splashed all of the pages of the major American newspapers centerd in the area, feed 4chan memes for days on end, be fodder for late night comics for weeks on…
I’m especially looking forward to the theatre portion of this one ... learning all the various head shakes, heavy sighs, fanning gestures, eye rolls...
It was zero F where I live yesterday, and people were lined up outside Costco for hours to get in.
Man, that’s a terrible picture of her. I mean, she’s a terrible person, but that’s not what I mean ... that picture makes her look like an animatronic “RealDoll” that only exists from the waist up.
Could not agree more. As an interim step that falls short of “put him on trial for assault with intent to injure”, firing him and “allowing” his supervisor who tried to cover it up to resign is an excellent 1st step that I hope becomes the standard SOP for police forces.
I’m confused. They DIDN’T bring Trump into this piece ... he’s not mentioned once. I’m not sure what you are talking about.