
They already exist but don’t know it yet 

It was originally named the American Minstrelsy Channel, but AMC was already taken.

Yep this right here.

I was lucky to have a friend who did her dissertation on middle school sex education when my daughter was in elementary school. The big takeaway from her research is that sex ed can’t just be a one time “sex talk”, it has to be a long series of conversations. Which, if you think about it at all, makes a lot of sense.

This being high school, his friends would have told me that it doesn’t count if the first time he scored was in the other end.

Thank you for having an actual intellectual conversation about the events that transpired rather than most ass hats here that if you don’t agree with them they just tell you to kill yourself or some such B.S.

“i kissed a girl, she disliked it” probably wouldn’t have been as big a hit

This is ridiculous. When, in the history of the sport, has a butt contributed to any type of difficulty holding on to a football.

I appreciate how this bold young man is calling Ross out on the mission of the charity. It’s like:

Segment a little bland. Needs punching up. 


I know, I’m primarily a baseball fan at this point.

My truck. My rules.

Some of you are here to make a beautiful pâté but we’re making sausage most of the time.

Twas a bad day to be orange. 

The Toronto Raptors now have the cap space to sign Mitch Marner.

Well sure, you say that now....

What a natural response to the question.