That would be giving too much credit to the “can’t take muh gunz” crowd.
That would be giving too much credit to the “can’t take muh gunz” crowd.
Well shit. I had not actually considered that. “You can go ahead and look the other way over alla this, ‘cause it’s just black folks bein’ uppity to each other”.
Archer Daniels Midland?
I believe the reference was to this:
Honestly, their defence is somewhat believable.
Wait tho. Doesn’t him claiming to be a black male (which is stupid on it’s very face) ... make his situation worse?
Ah, Big Potato. At the “root” of all of America’s nutrition problems...
Lol. You act like they might meet with people when they go home. Unless they can hand pick the audience, force feed them the questions, and review all recordings and press notes before they are used ... these people have LONG stopped talking to their constituents.
Funnily enough, watching them speak that poorly (grammatically speaking) is as uncomfortable as watching a white dudebro try to put on “tha urban slang”.
Also, handing out cash? Hopefully anyone who accepted was already graduated or a 5th year senior ... ‘cause then they can tell the NCAA to suck donkey balls.
Crunch would be fine if it came with pay. Folks need to unionize ... and they also need to unionize with an eye to avoiding all of the offenses that fat-ass unions bring to the table if given unchecked rein.
Only dozens of people on this thread....
My God Allison, why do you hate yourself sooooo much.
Fuck that noise - I just elbow them out of the way. I got about 27 square inches of room in my seat ... you can’t have any of it.
Might as well ask high school freshmen to solve their own rapes ... it’s not like they are going to get any help from the school or the cops...
You rang?
Bit of a Catch-22 though. Yes, if you wait until next week, more damning evidence will come out ... but since that’s true every fucking week with this Administration (Defenstration is more like it, amirite?) then you’d never move forward, because there is always more just over the horizon.
Fuck CNN. For all their bullshit “we’re the most trusted news source” high & mightyness ... that debate was some “Fox News” level dirtbaggery.
What, if any, are the penalties of this pronouncement. Because if this is just “Baby did a bad bad thing” ... then they are not holding the government accountable.
An excellent read. I don’t read romance, and am certainly not invested in their in-fighting at all. However, this feels like a lot of the EVE Online articles I read ... I can still appreciate a good explainer.