Yeah, I don’t get that either. She isn’t “white” in any way that a white suprecist would define “white”. Much like Nikki Haley isn’t. And yet, there they go, spouting off and full of self-hate.
Yeah, I don’t get that either. She isn’t “white” in any way that a white suprecist would define “white”. Much like Nikki Haley isn’t. And yet, there they go, spouting off and full of self-hate.
But, haven’t public opinion polls confirmed that the British people DON’T actually want to leave any more. That they now realize they were lied to by Johnson and Farage and they regret their vote to leave?
That implies two things:
Good. I’d rather they spend all their energy blustering and whining about a story that’s true then have all that time left over to continue to fuck over everyone who isn’t “rich and white”.
The problem is the “child abuse” angle in all this. You know the kids aren’t making the decision not to get vacinnated, and they aren’t making the decision to be home schooled or uprooted to a new state or anything of the sort.
Everybody can stop playing, I just won “Buzzword Bingo” for the week.
PRetty sure it is.
I pity the fool that gets served with this lawsuit.
He would spend most of the movie brooding about the mistakes he made in his youth, taking off his sunglasses, putting them back on, and trying to make out with Kelly Lebrock.
He’d make an excellent J Jonah Jameson. Or actually, JJJ’s uptight son, Colonel Jupiter - I can see Cameron in that role.
Here’s the thing.
Nylander’s contract is only going to be a godsend if he somehow becomes a 25G, 30A guy. ... Not sure I see that happening.
I love the guy doing the “running with the bulls” in amongst them ... as if he could somehow save a mattress or two from it’s ultimate fate of falling off a cliff like a Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump.
Timely. Just saw pictures last night of a friend’s son’s ankle after an ATV crash (young boys, remote location, ATVs, alcohol ... what could go wrong?). It is the size of one of my thighs, all lumpy and misshapen ... and the idiot hasn’t been to the doctor yet.
Right after he takes credit for “solving” the opiod crisis.
Hey, Hey Hey, we don’t use that word.
Shit, I missed that on first pass. Gross indeed!
Agreed. Stace needs to pick her spot. I think she can be a giant help as a VP to a Dem campaign, but honestly, I want her to back the primary winner and no other.
I have the opposite question about Biden. How is he possibly polling well at this point? That he hasn’t tripped over his own feet, fallen off the stage and broken his hip can only be put down to pure providence.
So, what cutting hashtag are we going to stick on this one?