This is the same logic that requires you to agree to Terms of Service (which includes a “you can’t sue us, ever” clause) in order to use something on-line.
This is the same logic that requires you to agree to Terms of Service (which includes a “you can’t sue us, ever” clause) in order to use something on-line.
Now, here’s hoping that the Dem candidates pick up on this and feature it at the next debate. This issue needs to be one of the primary drum beats of the campaign. “Trump and the GOP are actively hurting you”
Once again, for the terminally stupid, “Freedon of Speech is NOT Freedom from Consequence”.
1. This won’t stand up to judicial scrutiny. No matter what you think about the GOP packing the courts, there is no plurality of judges who will go on record to vote to repeal basic human rights.
Kevin McCarthy would like a word with you.
You are oh so very wrong.
Wow. That’s dumb. And I say this with some appreciation for all of the stupid shit you’ve posted on this website over the last several years.
At this point, if he is seriously entertaining presidential aspirations, he needs to run for Senate, win that Senate seat, become the champion of Demo policies in the Senate (whether that means calling out MoscowMitch at every opportunity - fuck bipartisanship - or being one of the leading DEM soldiers), put in his 8…
Yeah, when you can go from “we don’t agree with some of your policies” to “you think we have no right to exist” .... you are kind of proving the point of everyone who is questioning you.
“...rewards the wicked”? holy fuck that’s some virtue signaling right there.
This. Currently, the US has a very minimal claim to the resources buried under the Arctic Ocean. Compared to Canada + Denmark the US’s claim is insignificant.
I predict there is zero percent chance of this happening. This is a Trump Supporter we are talking about. “Personal Betterment” is a dangerous lefty concept (or a chance to get rich by owning the libs if you are a SoulCycle investor).
But, it’s approximately 190 days more than many states offer.
How about first closing all of the “semi truck sized” loopholes in those laws?
So, once again Trump has taken the sliver of a correct idea (“There is something mentally wrong with people who commit violence against another person”) and come up with pretty much the worst possible take on it?
Sheryl Crow perhaps? Started as a pretty bland “Christian Country Girl”. Went down the “Sexualized Available Raunch” route under the influence of Paul Simon. Dialed it back to “Jaded songstress who has Seen Things” as she aged (gracefully I might add).
I would agree, and in a meta way, that’s what makes the film about imperfect characters great ... it is in itself imperfect.
This is progress for the NFL, when they are talking about “the clap” as it relates to snap count, and not, you know, that other thing.
Now you’ve done it. I look forward to the blank space in the Kinjaverse where this post used to be...
Those robots loose on the streets of LA? They’d be dismantled for parts in about 5 minutes flat, and floating face down in the nearest body of water.