
When they can’t defend themselves, they attack by saying “but the other side does it too!”.

Because you never grew up past that one time, in college, where you were the BMOC ... and you’ve been desperately trying to recapture that “adulation” ever since.

Ditto.  Totally stealing that to try and move the conversation.  It’s like relabelling the “pro-life” people as “pro-forced birth”.

Minimizing this isn’t helping anyone.  You sound like a fool.

Was thinking exactly this same thing. (Although - kudos to you for serving it up with a pun that hadn’t occurred to me).

The question that they won’t answer, that they can’t answer is “Why is it just for you to deny me access to an abortion when it causes you zero harm?”.

You misspelled “ruin” there...

Sooo many missed choices.

agreed. Twizzlers rule, Red Vines drool.

Chicken is much more costly to make than chili, therefore I’ll allow the upcharge.

We’re such an nice bunch of people, that innate assholish-ness has to come out somewhere.  Our secret Canadian Labs have grafted it to our geese.

It won’t change until GOP politicians start to die...

incorrect. It may be bullshit, but it is not unconstitutional. Where, in the constitution does it say “a presidental candidate is not required to release his tax returns”?

I’d follow him, but only to piss on him.  Oh wait, he probably pays big money for that sort of “service”.

Oh, that’s already started.

Just planned my winter vacation for the 2019/2020 winter season here in Canada.

You seem like a lovely person.

The one near me is $75 bucks a month Canadian. So that’s like ... 14$ US? ;-)

so ahead of the curve...

Umm, she’s from Canada, she’s not out of options.