
I completely agree with most of your synopsis (and I love hockey for the same reason). I also understand why people don’t get baseball (I didn’t for a long time), but that’s because all the things that are happening are very subtle. It is much more cerebral than most of its American counterparts. Where the defense

Really? Grey squirrels are valuable? That’s curious because when I found a sick baby grey squirrel last year, I couldn’t find any rehab place that would take it because they are so ubiquitous. They told me to put it down, cause that’s what they would do if I brought it in.

Cause otherwise, those birds would live forever in peaceful harmony.

Fair enough. Australia has a long history of trying to fight one invasive species with another.

Maybe you need protection too. Send your address and we’ll have someone come take you somewhere safe and feed you canned food that you have no say in. And of course, we’ll sterilize you too, since we don’t want too many sentient beings walking around. There’s an overpopulation of humans after all!

Exactly. These people act like it is natural for there to be so many fucking songbirds fluttering about outside their window without any predators and are happily ignorant of the fact that we are drawing those birds into urban areas.

Keep your furry murder machine inside and feed it food that a less furry, bipedal murder machine butchered in a factory, because that is so much more benign and environmentally friendly.

This at least Kiona’s third article this year about the cat Armageddon, but I suspect its been a deeply harbored hatred for a long time.

Why is it that you feel entitled to not have to share the world with other animals? It isn’t enough that we’ve driven most of the native wildlife deep into the wilderness, but you can’t handle having possums in your neighborhood? Please explain in detail, what awful burden you experience from animals like this or the

That’s not really true. There used to be a lot of native wild cats (Ocelot, Lynx, Bobcat) here before civilization drove them into obscurity.

They ARE outdoor animals. By nature. They are just as inclined to be outdoors as raccoons, squirrels, etc.

So you’re okay with wildlife roaming your neighborhood, but cats aren’t allowed? Explain that.

“saved the lives of millions, possibly billions, of birds” who died shortly after from the myriad of other ways birds die. I’m sure a few of them lived until they died from natural causes at the ripe old age of 7. Good thing someone stepped in to prevent nature from being natural so that a few birds got to fly around

We get it. You hate cats. Since you’re just reposting the same crap from June of this year again, I’ll just repost my same comment from last time:

You do realize that a new ice age is still a very real possibility in our future - cause at least partially by climate change (be it man made or au natural)?

I’m reluctant to further engage with someone whose intelligence is as vast as the universe and whose patience is as fleeting as our own mortality, but in the interest of continuing a civil discussion amongst those of us interested in such things...

Pretty hard to lose an argument when anyone who questions what you’re saying is automatically disregarded as a troll and when you cut off your own (supposedly brilliant, highly educated case) because us lesser mortals will fail to comprehend it.

You seem to contradict yourself here by insinuating that our current climate is not “normal”, but then suggesting that there is a normal we are returning to. Normal is very relative in either case and while you’re correct that the climate we’re accustomed to is much more palatable than it was for much of Earth’s

That was just amazing. I want to watch that in a loop forever.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and laughed several times. I was also impressed with how not horrible Ferrell was for a soft, 47 year old actor.