
This is enraging. My husband’s mother was killed by her estranged husband after months of fleeing with her two children, trying to get away from his controlling, abusive behavior. He tracked her down multiple times and kidnapped her twice, the second of which ended with her death by gunshot at the side of a road, in

Because a crime has been committed regardless of the victim’s wishes.

God, I despise this vile cretin with his stupid fucking schoolyard taunts.

People are going to think this is a hot take, but it’s not: police departments are sexist, racist draconian hellscapes that systemically rob both officers and criminals of their humanity. There are no good police departments because there are no police departments that don’t encourage an ‘us vs them’ mentality. An

If you can’t drink without harassing a woman at a party, you shouldn’t drink. If the woman feels like she’s being harassed, she’s being harassed. If everyone held people to these standards instead of trying to excuse them with, “Whoa, hey, everybody does it, where would we be if we didn’t let guys act creepy and

“Lots of people have done this behavior” =/= “This behavior can’t be sexual harassment.”

Same. I thought they had gone rogue in hospital billing. 

All of the people in this post saying “he just invited her for wine and cheese!” are either being incredibly disingenuous or haven’t read the article. Or both.

The fact that you think your right to sex overrides women’s right to not be traumatized/have control over their bodies and who touches them is terrifying

Hows a goofy old dude supposed to try and fuck?

He could start by not trying to fuck his employee. 

I think the “think about every person YOU don’t like” answer is about the best you can do when someone asks why another person isn’t in to them. It’s hard to be the person getting rejected, and it’s easy to internalize as a symbol of your worth (or lack thereof), but seriously, how many people would YOU turn down even

My dog has never once woken my exhausted ass up out of a dead sleep by “accidentally” rubbing his morning wood on my back in a selfish attempt to get laid.

It’s been 6 years since I was in a relationship, and it’s been 12 years since my divorce...the memory of how frequently they ALL try that shit still pisses me off.

Got it! You support the right of women to make their own sexual choices and to have full bodily autonomy... so long as they’re the choices you agree with. SO FEMINIST.

most activities have a <.0001% chance it could harm a baby. Lifting boxes. Being in a car. Stepping off a tall kerb. There is a much greater chance of the bay harming a woman though sooooo.

What are women supposed to do, wrap up in lots of squishy duvets and make a nest in a bed?

You are mostly correct. But there is a small subset of Karens that *is* amenable to learning and changing their views. I know because I used to be a Karen, and I’ve talked with enough people to know that there are many others like me. The exhausting and frustrating thing about it, though, is that you don’t really know

I dunno about gross, but he needs less cameras and more therapists, for certain.

So, I’m a public employee and I was working in a public capacity at an event that was apolitical (it was for fire victims). As it pertains to my job, I’m trained to try to keep things neutral and relatively calm in a work situation as I have to be careful with persona statements, as people could constrew them as my

It’s never the woman you know either. It’s never the opinionated, happy-seeming, confident woman being abused. It’s never the happy mother, the dedicated wife, the accomplished physician. That woman would never be abused. She would stop it. She would not put up with that kind of thing. Her upbringing didn’t

The last paragraph says it all: private equity. These corporate vultures purposely load an acquisition with a heavy amount of debt these companies didn’t originally generate with the absolute expectation of an eventual bankruptcy—thus destroying the company, but also wiping out the debt. Just imagine if you could