
I believe I will forever have an immediate, involuntary, severe reaction to the term “both sides.”

Am I the only one that almost breaks his mouse-wheel when scrolling past the fuckface-in-chief’s tweets?

I never got past the punchline. I was 16 years old and incredibly naive when this happened. I feel sad that so much of pop culture reduced her to a “crazy scorned woman” trope and am glad this documentary is coming out. 

“What’s your story?” That’s a pretty open-ended question. I admit I’d be tempted to make up something crazy for fun.

i lived in thailand for several years and i wanted a tattoo in thai to commemorate. i was struggling to come up with what i wanted to say, and a buddy asked me to distill my favorite thing about thailand to a couple words. i got it, it looks great.

THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO, before the dawn of man as we knew him, there was Sir Santa of Claus, an ape-like creature making crude and pointless toys out of dinobones and his own waste, hurling them at chimp-like creatures with crinkled hands regardless of how they behaved the previous year. These so-called “toys”

Sounds like you’re not on this journey for the right reason.

Agreed; and I’m a pretty boring person IRL.  Nobody gives a shit about my cat, or the flamewar I started on Reddit over whether or not Robert Redford dyes his eyebrows.

You know, from these people, I don’t even give a flying fuck about their policies, because look how uninformed she is. Positive energy flow? Get off my lawn. I WANT a politician this time around, who actually knows how bills become laws and doesn’t reckon they can just use executive privilege for unlimited hamberders

I don’t know why.......... but this story made me think of “Take it Easy” by The Eagles:

I have no objection to HRC being President. I voted for her. I would vote for her again if it came to that.

Great earnings coming out of Stock Market. Too bad Media doesn’t devote much time to this!

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him. 

It must be frustrating to have money, influence and immense privilege, only to discover (by striding confidently into it) a world in which, by any metric, you don’t count, not really, and not often enough to matter. I hope this knowledge troubles his soul and causes him panic attacks at 2 in the afternoon.

I’m that garbage person who likes all the shitty holiday sweets. Candy corn, candy canes, candy hearts, jelly beans.

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”

Yeah, it’s mind boggling to me too. Except hair. I can’t do hair. I’m a single father of two daughters and luckily they are getting pretty good and doing their own or each other’s hair, because I just can’t do anything more than a simple pony tail. I’ve even taken lessons from friends and family members, but I just

She strikes me as the type of person that many in the Splinterverse will roll their eyes at, but if those same people knew her personally would instead be like, “Oh Valerie? She’s awesome. Fucking love Valerie.”

That’s the thing about all these conversations about whether or not we should accept back these fuckers after some nebulous period of “time out” from public life - it presupposes that there’s no one else with sufficiently good (or better!) talent that we could direct our attention to. It all focuses on the tragic loss