
Since you MENSA members keep using a word that you don’t know how to apply, seniority means getting preferential treatment because you have been somewhere a long time. It’s why career folks get better schedules than temps.

It has nothing to do with being treated like you don’t work there or like you don’t belong.

Her constituents did that already.

She’s the future. And every time they look at her, deep down they know that she had to be smarter, better and work harder than them to get there. And she did it. 

These people are all terrified of her, of what she represents.

Chuck Lorre was probably fuming about the fact they couldn’t put a masturbation joke instead of said actress just looking at her boobs, but then again he probably just looked at the big pile of money that kept growing on the floor and came in his pants anyway.

When men ask what microaggressions are, this is a good example, because it happens over and over and over. Grace Meng is right on the money. Let’s make this the new normal.

I’m a black attorney and when I used to go to court regularly, everyone assumed I was one of the defendants. I would be in a suit and have my files with me but would still get told I would be called up to the bench when it was time for the judge to hear my plea.

I honestly think the way Arie was portrayed as evil and heartless for breaking up with Becca on camera is pretty laughable. They are under a lot of pressure from production, I think it took a lot of guts on his part to admit that he made a mistake and had to follow his heart. Production convinced him that it was

You’d also have to make it so that alt left websites actually created the edited video and then have the Obama PR people take the video as fact. While also ignoring that it wasn’t an assault and that the woman in question got up in his space and reached her hand out while he was gesturing towards the president. Then

You are wrong about two out of the three murderers you mentioned. Also, you are not understanding the nuance of shooters having this tendency not meaning that violence towards women automatically means a mass shooting. I don’t know how many ways I can repeat that.

Yes, it is the best predictor of mass violence. The obsessive 2A people are the ones constantly screaming about how this is a mental health issue. So, then, if you aren’t going to get rid of these guns, how about we get rid of these fucking men? Remove men who abuse women from society, I don’t care where you put them. 

I have a theory that the Big Bang Theory is actually a rip off of That 70s show. Leonard and Penny are Eric and Donna. A nerdy guy who falls in love with the hot girl next door who gets her but loses her and then gets her back. Raj is Fez the “wacky foreign guy” who us awkward and inappropriate with women. Bernadette

Once again, we see that the main thing almost all of these shooters have in common is violence towards women. 

Colell never filed charges because she says, she was told by the school to “to accept an apology to not ruin his future in the Marine Corps.”

You know those employers will past that cost on to the employees. Now not only do you not get the pill, your premium is higher.

Insurance companies really need to push back on this. It costs a lot more for them to cover pre-natal care, birth, and post-natal care than it does for them to cover birth control. Approximately 30 times as much per year. That doesn’t even include the cost of insuring the offspring.

including methods viewed by many as abortifacients

One more fell this afternoon. Darrell Issa’s long held 29th district (which he retired) was called for Democrat Mike Levin. That’s pretty spectacular (the district is N. San Diego County and S. Orange County and includes Camp Pendleton and several wealthy enclaves).

I’m honestly more disappointed and disgusted today than I was two years ago. Before, I could roll my eyes and chalk it up to stupidity or even a misguided belief that the GOP cares about the common man. Now it’s just clear that we live in a nation of racists and misogynists who live for the existential schaudenfredue

I gotta say, I am NOT a fan of the crystals. They look like cheap plastic with lights behind them. (Which I’m sure is actually what they are, but they shouldn’t LOOK like that.)