please give the game some MSAA options :’(
please give the game some MSAA options :’(
Because I can’t see pixel art anymore. It was a nice retro trend when games like Fez came out, but come on: We were limited to those graphics for 20 years. Let’s be happy that more is possible today.
What makes you think Nintendo has to choose between decent/modern hardware and Innovation? With the SNES, N64 and Gamecube they had the guts to face the competition and make the best possible hardware. And they were still innovating: Mode 7, Mario Paint, Analog Stick, Rumble Pack, 64-DD, C-stick, Bongo Controllers,…
I’m pretty sure they didn’t chose a person that is going to make them leave the business.
I’m totally with you.
You are implying the man would not be competend without knowing him. I see him as a chance for Nintendo to leave the blue ocean strategy (that only was successful with the Wii). I hope that with him, Nintendo has the guts to face the competition again - instead of running for a niche that is getting smaller and harder…
While I don’t want their developers to go to other systems, I want the awesome game developers from Nintendo to NOT be limited in realizing their creative vision by some horribly outdated hardware. I want to see what they are able to do with current technology - now, and not when that technology is 6 years old.
What route would that be?
So? In the end, Splatoon is just a modification of De Blob.
Feels like cheating with all that pausing. Only Twitch plays Pokemon was true. Twitch plays Halo was a joke (one player at a time) Twitch plays Dark Souls is actually Twitch plays a very easy version of Dark Souls where the game is pausing every second.
I can’t see how this is blackmail or scam, unless you say that every kind of settlement is the result of blackmail. But it’s just an option, during a open and official process. And being annoying is no reason to break the law. (Allthough I personally think that law is bonkers.) This is both clever and mean, but I…
Love that guy, hate those glasses.
The soundeffect of that gun(s) was so weak. But still I loved it.
Yes, either Nintendo or Valve is the place where I see a future for such high quality games.
Shouldn’t you be able to QTE through the cut scenes and sripted events of Tomb Raider in a weekend? Play it first to get it out of the way.