Rose taking his talents and sex belt to New York!
Rose taking his talents and sex belt to New York!
For the most part, no one wants to be painted as the person who lost [City] the [teamnames]. Even if the deals are shit, even if the public is getting educated to how shit the deals are, there’s still that perception that if you’re the mayor, or the council members, or the whathaveyou that lost Arlington the Rangers,…
They bragged that they didn’t want a roof when they built the current stadium. They thumbed their nose at Houston, Toronto, and anyone who thought it was a good idea.
Game 7 I saw Lebron deferring too much late in the game. That's the difference between he and Jordan. Jordan would've taken the last 5 minutes of that game and made it his own, constantly pressuring the defense. Lebron took it to the hole twice in those last 5-7 minutes (memory may be off) and I was just yelling at…
Michael Jordan is the best basketball player of all-time. I don’t know why this needs repeating. The best offensive guard ever, and probably the best defensive guard ever. 6-0 in the NBA Finals. Was also the most compelling/exciting, and aesthetically-pleasing player of his time (and likely of all-time). Besides that,…
I grew to really dislike Draymond Green over the course of these playoffs. I guess it all started in his celebration last year as he taunted Cleveland, but still. ...just doing all the things necessary to turn the court of public opinion it seemed. After the Cavs won, I was eagerly anticipating seeing Draymond pout…
Watching Russell Wilson get picked by Malcolm Butler. Cause damn Wilson, the Seahawks, and their shitty fanbase are insufferable.
2007 Fiesta Bowl - Boise State over Oklahoma. Goddamn that was a great game.
If you try to wear orthopedic shoes when you don't need them, they'll really fuck your feet up. Like wearing glasses with 20/20 vision.
TBH, I’d take the Bad Boys in six. Five if Rodman and Lambier take Green out of the game by goading him into a series of nut-punches.
McBride claims Lawler struck her in the head and pushed her against a stove while Lawler claims McBride scratched him in the face, threw a candle at him and kicked him in the groin.
LOL, it’s ok — I did the same thing the other day about those Qatari fuckheads, except I called the guy a “dumb cunt”. Turned out to be Poe’s Law.
Of course a college major matters. There are plenty of things wrong with the college system in this country, but organizing your studies around a particular field of knowledge aint one of them. I’d argue that entitled students and recent grads deciding that they know better than professors and administrators what…
Majors are only bullshit if you pick a bullshit major. You know, like “ancient history”.
Majored in accounting and minors in economics I got a job in accounting and finance.
I wonder how many people that will inevitably kick you in the balls for your comment would go ahead and set some tents up in their front yards for homeless people to live in.
I graduated with a degree in biology and got an entry level job in biology within several weeks of graduation (after months of applying). This is the new American Dream apparently.
um, good? Nowhere does it say people have a right to live in public places. Maybe the city can use funds to do something about the homeless, but back a few decades ago, when we had vagrancy laws, the problem didn’t exist to the extent we see now. Reagan de-funded federal mental institutions sending 100,000s to the…