
My dear sweet brother, Numsie!

Wil Wheaton is now the same age Patrick Stewart was when TNG started.

Fun fact #2: That line was improvised by Ben Stiller and Duchnovy went with it.

Damn, man.  Take your star.

Georgia Taylor-Brown

sequel to fucking Juno

Malort. Never had it myself because it’s always best to refuse something offered to you with a preface of, “Here, try this. It tastes like shit.

I’m sure it sucks, but dammit if South Park didn’t make me put that on my “must list” the next time I visit Denver.  


Totally with you on the handkerchief. Essential to carry at all times, especially once you have kids. I tried the pocketknife thing for a while but found it to be mostly useless; only used at home when dealing with Amazon boxes, but even then a quick pull of the drawer and I have multiple knives handy.

Correction: The worst prefacing statement is, “Me, personally...” So awful. If you were talking for someone else, you’d let us know. Otherwise, no shit it’s you, personally.

The treatment is intended (alongside diet and exercise) 

Another in a disturbing series of, “if he/she would have just done what I told him/her to do, none of this would have happened.”

In all, by the time the White Sox get around to promoting him, they’ll have deliberately gone without their best outfielder and probably best hitter for two and a half months, almost a full half-season.

Damn I love the Portuguese. If only they would shave off a 3mm-4mm on the width, a few mm on the thickness...and about $5k on the price.  hahaha.

Rock peaked in about ‘78.

what NFL fan base do you think has the highest percentage of fans wearing jerseys of players that don’t actually play for their team anymore?“

The other accomplice was older and looked like the Marlboro Man.

He took a CRASH course

Bellicheck’s plan: “What did the Bears do to hold them to 6 points a few months back?  Stuff the box, stop the run, and make the kid beat you?  Cool, let’s do that?”