
This is the answer.

Being from Chicago, Gotham didn’t work for me because all I kept seeing was LaSalle St., Lower Wacker, Millennium/Randolph Station, skyline shots of clear Chicago skyscrapers, etc. I loved pretty much everything else about the movie, but the pieces of Chicago I recognized took me out of it.

2010 = Kick Ass.  Such a fun surprise of a movie.

Totally.  Pajama pants FTW.  Soft, comfy plaid ones from Eddie Bauer that are built to last.  Shirt is any tshirt in the summer or thermal shirt in the winter.  

“Hey, don’t shoot me!”

Just like Jennifer Lawrence in pretty much everything.

Username does not check out. Pointy Kitty is the answer we were looking for.


The only redeeming thing about Vegas Vacation was Nick Papagiorgio.  Everything else, including Cousin Eddie, was forced and unfunny.

I’ve come to realize people think “black coffee” means “drip coffee.”  So many times I order “just a medium black coffee, please” only to be asked if I want room for cream. (facepalm)

I’ve been looking at these online because I’m in the market for a new office bag. Something that can hold laptop and charger, notebook, assorted other items, plus my lunch.  Damn if those things don’t look bulky. And that’s if you can get over the cost, though I can appreciate a “last bag you’ll ever buy.”

I’ve been looking at these online because I’m in the market for a new office bag. Something that can hold laptop and

(head down, nodding slowly) yar...yar

So, we’re all in agreement to call this “Anal Fissure Forum,” right?

OK, now I get it. That’s the same reaction I’d have if I opened a pack of 1989 Fleer cards and it had a Billy Ripken “Fuck Face” card in it.

No. Jimmy John is the shitbag who murders defenseless large game from a safe distance with a high powered rifle for fun.

I bet he gets talent and residuals from the spots. Taking him out of the ads removed a revenue stream. Rich people love money. That’s why he was pissed.

Got through the list, saw this was missing. Glad to see it represented here. Well done.

I’d rather kill the divisions and conferences entirely and add 5 games to the season, everyone plays each other 3 times (29 opponents x 3 games each = 87 game season; or better yet, contract 2 teams for an 81 game season). Now, that adds the two home/one road or vice versa for each team you play, but you could just

I have a daughter the same age. If you like slow, world building, trippy (but not too trippy) kids cartoons, check out Sarah & Duck. It’s the cartoon I imagine Tim Burton would create if he wasn’t all goth. Perfect for a 2-year old in that it isn’t too fast/A.D.D. inducing and isn’t full of “sharing is good” or any

T-shirt jerseys were definitely a thing in 2004. A group of us went to St. Louis from Chicago to visit a buddy and while there we attended the Cards/Cubs game (Sox fan here, but it was a great weekend trip). Partying that Saturday night at a bar, one friend was jawing back and forth with a drunken lady Cards fan