
Which is what women have been saying for decades.

Oh for fucks sake, your navy salary didn’t have to pay for your living expenses like food or rent, so that’s a stupid comparison.

Bullshit. He was planning on doing that anyway.

I seriously got one while reading this post.

The first 10 floors of my apt building is for rent-assist families. A lot of buildings where I live are like that. So when I’m done with a console, I just leave it in the lobby and some kid’s mom always picks it up.

One of the hottest topics on social media is what to do about all the literal Nazis.

Why would she tell Poe the plan that needed to remain secret? He’s a lowly captain pilot, she’s the command admiral. The plan was need-to-know, and he didn’t need to know.

I tried one of these tonight. It was just ok. I can make a pizza better than this pretty easily.

You get google play music free with a youtube red subscription. It’s well worth it.

Are Trump supporters complaining that this persecutes them yet?

Nah, they’ll blame the democrats and continue voting GOP. That’s how it works.


Yet they voted for the guys who said they’d do it. The GOP has never been secretive about their hatred of net neutrality rules.

How does that work? Can you just play as the force characters whenever you want? I’ve never played a battlefront game.

Her ass. Gal left the army in 2005.

Nothing says “family values” like protesting that someone doesn’t support pedophilia.

Can’t say I’m a fan of those pants at all.

Betsy’s solution? Make sexual assault legal so there’s no problem.

Why give them the respect of calling them “skeptics”? They’re not. They’re crackpots.

Oh god, shut up and say you’re sorry for sleeping through history class.