
I think he’s talking about replacing your car’s stereo, not replacing the car.

Berniebros are 2019's Strasserites

Then why are you always offended, just like everyone else in Naziland?

Actually, it’s the Nazis who don’t buy games. They pirate them.

So you have to buy the $80 dock

The people interviewed weren’t anything close to swing voters. They were hard-core MAGAts.

I’d bet money this is mostly bullshit and they just picked the 30 or so that actually worked and ignored the 1000 that didn’t.

Why? What was the motive? Was someone paying her for false results?

I’m sure someone has cleared up this mystery already, but if not, here it is: 8.0 includes a new dynamic overclocking mode for the Switch and gives developers access to it. Built into it is a huge 75% overclock for loading screens in BOTW and SM Odyssey.

I hope this is true because the combat in ME:A was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a game.

There’s an open demo next weekend.

Pay attention to what he’s saying, because it’s always projection with guys like this. He’s telling you what he wishes he could do against the people he hates.

The article clearly lists the massive launch of a new harassment campaign based on gamers feeling entitled after this event.

IQ means next to nothing in determining parental quality.

It isn’t hard to use empirical data to make an argument that is still conservative.

There are plenty of right-leaning reporters out there doing good work

No, I’m going to blame Diamond and Silk.

She does game.

I see the bros are out in force.

It’s the pizza most often served in Minnesota, but none of us ever thought of it as Minnesota-style.