
I was under the impression that third party docks are somewhat risky for the Switch. Not sure I’d trust a Kickstarter product to get it right.

Sincerely hope you lose the Wight. They seem fun at first, but the otherworldly moaning and constant pacing at all hours of the night gets old. I think you might have to invest in an enchanted weapon though.

...even if they were right in firing her, it started a shitstorm.

Because laws don’t apply to Republicans any more, apparently.

White men fired from a company led by a majority of white men who employ a majority of white men claim company-wide racism and sexism against white men.

Well, there is “everyone makes mistakes, we’re only human” and then there’s flat earthers and those who voted for Trump.

Google Play Music isn’t lackluster at all. I’ve tried all the services and GPM handily beats up the others and steals their lunch money.

Who knew that voting for the Republicans who have been so transparent about not caring about taking away our freedoms and raising our taxes and cutting our access to education and health care would end up destroying the internet?

If you play the heroes vs villain mode, you get to start as a hero/villain right away, but a few like Kylo Ren or Vader are locked from the start, and you need to gain credits first before being able to use it in game. You gain credits by completing milestones, or basically playing the game.

she’s an awful person but that doesn’t make slut-shaming ok.

Fuck off Sergei.

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

Lorde rocks, and so does Taylor Swift, and if you don’t think so that’s OK too.

awwwww are you offended, you poor sensitive SQW baby? poor little guy, it’s okay, we got a safe space for you. it’s called /pol/, off with you now!


Yeah man, we’re so glad America chose* a lying racist instead.

Yes, by all means, all of those people who are concerned about practicalities like health care and jobs will be better served by the President who gets rid of the ACA and starts a trade war with Mexico/China/everyone.

I love that this is the archetype conservatives point at when calling liberals weak, but there has been this constant droning refrain since November 9 that “we voted for an incompetent bigot because your liberal condescension hurt my feewings”

It’s what we always were. It’s just that that part of us is slowly dying, and — like any cornered animal — the backlash is only more intense as a result.

Reddit: where misogynistic straight white males flaunt their privilege with hate speech