
TIL if a black man says something misogynistic, it’s somehow not misogynistic because he’s black.

It’s always ok when conservatives do it, no matter what it is.

SCOTUS struck down Chicago’s gun laws anyway, so it’s even more a lie.

So we’re going to solve poverty by participating in a system that requires you own a $50,000 vehicle that somehow manages to sell rides during the middle of the night alongside the millions of other vehicles attempting to do the same thing?

Because covering it up and retaliating against victims worked like a charm for over 100 years.

So just a chainlink fence then?

Same. I really want to see it, but not bad enough to sign up for yet another subscription service.

Since when have conservatives EVER been about letting you decide what’s best for your kids?

I’m an avowed leftist

I love that wireless charging is now “exciting”, when apple fans told everyone else it was stupid for 6 years.

Since Apple doesn’t actually make its own tech, it seems unlikely they’ll be unveiling a screen-based fingerprint sensor. If they had it, so would everyone else.

Oh for fucks sake, this is really reaching.

It didn’t happen. Bernie just made it up, much the same as Trump does.

See the Democrats sabotaging Bernie in favor of Clinton.

Ah, Jezebel, the “feminist” blog you can always count on to find blatant misogyny.

Really? An album release is planned? Holy shit, you’re next Woodward & Bernstein!

You know, in a piece about the premiere of a movie, you wouldn’t think I’d need to go google when it actually premieres.

Unlike firing someone for violating the code of conduct, harassing someone into quitting actually IS illegal.

Who cares? We’ve all been eating birthday cakes since we were a year old and we’re fine.

This was always going to be a thing, it just took longer than it should have to finally happen.