
We’d rather talk about shit that actually happened.

give cops another reason to hassle people of color on the street.

It’s not “texting while walking”. It’s texting while crossing the street. Using it on the sidewalk is perfectly legal.


House geckos.

That word doesn’t mean what you think it means.

It isn’t news when Notch proves he’s a waste of air

I’m ok with destroying the kinds of communities you think are good, gatorboy.

Those people still do that. They’re called neo-nazis and just like their patrons, they hate France for no good reason.

Men are so over-emotional.

Prometheus sucked. No reason to believe the sequel would be any better.

We’re supposed to appreciate Republican psychopathy and stupidity now?

They’d just like it. Taking people’s lives gives psychopaths a hardon.

Millennials are the worst generation alive for being able to tell fact from propaganda. They’re even worse than grandpa who yells at the TV about liberals while watching Fox.

In most countries, the pharmacist handles that job. It’s not exactly a hard thing to do, which is why women’s health experts in the US think a doctor isn’t needed in this equation.

Shut the fuck up.

Trump has spent more in one month than Obama spent his entire first year and is on track to spend over a billion dollars. Learn some damn perspective.

“Where was your passion and where was your concern when they all said that there was no connection to Russia? Where was it then?”

Why would they? This is what the GOP is about. They LOVE this.

Ten years of the internet insisting that all speech is worth hearing and deserves a platform, no matter how hateful it is. That’s how you get Nazis.