
Why discount Trump’s blatant sexism? How did you decide that women don’t matter in your little equation when we’re talking about a guy who bragged about his misogyny?

Playing that game as a Malkavian was the best RPG ever.

Isn’t it interesting that the men you mention rarely have their bad sides mentioned and instead conversation focuses on their work, while for Sanger it’s the opposite?

Most civil rights heroes had deep flaws. They’re human. Gandhi was a horrible racist. MLK was a raging misogynist. They both still did great, important civil rights work.

Hell no to Booker.

You consistent deflection to white men as the only proponents of white supremacy

Too passionate? = hysterical

But when white women like you are confronted with the fact that you propagate and benefit from white supremacy, boy do you “WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ” quickly to deflect the conversation and hide your role.

Yah that’s not what “what about the men” even means.

No kidding. White men are a problem for everyone.

They’re intertwined, though. You can’t just separate them like that. White supremacists are happy to bring institutionalized violence against white women who don’t acknowledge white men as their superiors.

No, I’m not. White women can absolutely be white supremacists. That still doesn’t mean their male counterparts consider them equals.

I’m just tired of seeing Clinton supporters going on and on about how Bernie never could have won when the article had nothing to do with that.

Loved the piece. The only thing that annoys me is the seeming assumption that white supremacists consider white women to be fully human, instead of just more desirable breeding chattel.

Shut up.

Whatever. No-platforming is as old as universities.

He’s already got the attention. The time of “ignore the trolls” is long over. They need to be fought now.

Oh shut up. Valuing free speech doesn’t mean giving a platform to hate speech.

The story follows Tom (Bill Milner) after an assault embeds enough of a cell phone into his brain to give him the power to manipulate technology

I’m sure ISIS is quaking in fear at the threat of being shown Pepe memes.