
“For some reason”? This is how Cory always votes.

He didn’t hijack anything. Trump is the culmination of decades of white male identity politics by the GOP, not something that took it over out of the blue.

Season 2 of Humans already happened.

Prediction: “It’s Obama’s fault.”

Then your memory is faulty. Protests over that movie made national news and they picketed outside theaters.

For who?

He’s right. It really would have just made his supporters love him even more.

Sorry but that’s crap. Oil turns into polymers under high heat, and polymers aren’t soap-soluble.

Can’t say I like the idea of rubbing copper wires against the glass of my screen 10,000 times.

And once it’s getting fixed, they’ll vote the republicans back in to break it all again.

No they didn’t. Trump’s numbers are almost exactly the same as Romney’s.

Not a chance in hell. They’ll vote for a different Republican.

No only that but he’s the definition of “establishment” and there’s a mountain of dirt from being in the Obama administration. He would lose to Trump.

Including being a horrible bigot?

Alcoholics in that late stage are always drunk.

Riiiiiight, neo-nazis became neo-nazis because black people made fun of them.

His idea of making everything better is making everything worse for people who aren’t straight, white men.

Negan is a shitty character who ruins every scene he’s in, which for this season have been every god damn scene. I’m glad he’s so unpopular. Maybe the writers will have him shut the hell up for once.

Dr. Hodin and his team found that the artificial sweetener intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP), which is a gut enzyme that researchers believe prevents obesity

If only someone would have tried to understand the KKK! Those poor, misunderstood bigots!