
Yah, good luck getting them to stop.

It was very timely.

Thanks for that clarification. We heard so many times from so many before the election that misogyny was playing no part, when we fucking knew better. I thought you might have taken that side here, and I’m glad you didn’t, because there are already enough people crapping on women this year.

She isn’t wrong. In sociology, “minority” does refer to any marginalized group, and women qualify.

Oh god, shut up. Dave isn’t being criticized for merely criticizing Hillary. He’s being criticized for defending sexual assault and saying women’s and LGBT rights don’t matter.

My immediate reaction was wondering* how black women felt about that statement.

Awwww someone’s upset that women will now be able to block his harassment.

I just can’t justify spending $500 on a watch that’ll be obsolete in two years at best.

A female character directed by women is the opposite of a problem.


Oh boo hoo. There’s ONE TV show where men don’t direct the majority of episodes... Definitely time to scream that you’re being oppressed.

Going and fighting crime is something you do. Being seen as a sex object is something that’s done to you. The difference isn’t rocket science.

Heh, if that were true, you guys wouldn’t always be clamoring for features Android phones have had for years.

That’s crap, honestly. Their moms taught them that it’s not ok to treat women like that. It’s their little gamer subculture that makes them think it’s fun to be edgy and offend women.

Oh please, it’s a removable battery. People replace those for $12 all the time.

And I could easily counter that liberals these days are some of the most intolerant, bigoted people on the planet.

Why exactly is it so horrible to be a conservative?

The military does cover these surgeries now. She’s in a military prison.

What seems to be happening instead is that Samsung is getting kudos for issuing a massive recall without having to be sued first.

Hah, I know that feeling! The city scenes of Lost were filmed on my block.