
Because white women were still seen as white men’s property.

That white girl’s got more talent than you do.

Because PPBP is a piece of shit.

No, it had a $150 million budget. $300 million is what the movie needs to make in tickets (because the theaters take a cut) to get $150 million back.

And what is Michael Phelps doing here?

So you’re saying she deserves to be harassed because she poses online in bikinis.

I’ve enjoyed your stuff, Patrick. I look forward to finding out where you’re going and continuing to read it :)

But there were many, many women in this convention who spoke far more memorably than she did, who held the crowd in more rapt attention, who were able to modulate their speeches in ways that helped people understand their message better. This is not, in other words, a woman problem; it’s a Hillary Clinton problem.

So is Superman, but his costume covers all his skin.

Gotta love coming to a feminist website and seeing nothing but women tearing down another woman for dating a guy they have a crush on.

I can’t wait for the day when people can have an opinion like this and not be forced to apologize.

These are designed to be worn either way.

That’s a bunch of horseshit. All that means is that majority are still silencing minority groups in your country.

Next time buy from EVGA. If a new card comes out within 2 months of the card you currently have, they’ll take the old one back and let you just pay the difference on the new one.

The people who own The nexus don’t want to host child marriage mods, and they have the right to refuse.

Patrick Stewart hadn’t ever watched Star Trek when he took the role as captain, and nobody cared.

They still took a character who was supposed to be a powerful mutant in her own right and just made her “the girlfriend”. It was pretty disappointing.

Ahhh, so you’re a rabid right-wing extremist who just hates women, as per your ralphretort link.

She’s a faux geek/nerd much like Felicia Day

You’d think that’d be a clue that he’s an extra-shitty person.