
That is so much work for something nobody wants.

“Generally wherever you are, you either are a woman or you have interactions with women. I can totally imagine that there are places in the world where there aren’t any black people, and there’s a strong ingrained bias against them. I can’t imagine the same thing of gender.”

Not to mention all the extremely hateful things he continued to write about minority groups for years. It’s actually pretty easy to not feel sorry for him.

The “and” is never correct. If you want to use the long form, the phrase is “two-thousand sixteen”.

Oh knock off the concern trolling. This isn’t some grandpa shouting his opinions at the TV. He was asked to speak at a journalism conference, which means his opinions are still counted as valuable.

What the actual fuck is wrong with people. This PC liberal censorship needs to fucking die out already. Im really dropping away from games more and more every fucking year.

If one cadbury egg is all that stands between you and being a fat fuck, you’re already a fat fuck.

They’ve always been blatant about it.

Why is there always someone who thinks persecution and discrimination are over?

I hate anime and its influence. Now every character has to do ridiculously silly poses after every killing stroke.

So basically Gamergate is attacking a woman for defending the same loliporn they’ve spent a year and a half angrily defending?

His comment was absolutely ridiculous. they’re making fun of it all over reddit today.

You didn’t answer the question.

If your child feels fucking woe over something like this then they are retarded and useless.

I agree, create more female heroes but retroactively changing a piece of art that isn’t yours just teaches a child that the world should be changed to suit them all the time, which sets a *really* dangerous precedence.

So I wouldn’t call it harmless because where do you draw the line? So we change Link to be unisex, but then what about Lightning from FF 13, what about Drake from Uncharted, what about Mario etc etc, I think it’s insulting to think the change has to be made when it doesn’t.

I know a lot of online communities who’d have a total meltdown at this though. Ha.

Really? Zelda is the Mona Lisa now? And changing pronouns is “desecration”? Dude, get some perspective. Go outside or something.

You’re the one who sounds offended.

He can say it without telling a woman (who DOES suffer from pay inequality, even though she’s white) to shut up.