
Shut up, Chris. Relative Privation fallacy is stupid and you’re lame for using it.

The Safeway near me has the chip readers, but they disabled them. I blame the credit card companies, because you have to insert your card, and the verification process took 75 seconds. Customers got pissed at the wait.

That is not how Hawaiians eat steak. That’s how tourists in Waikiki eat it.

All of samsungs productivity ‘options’ are copies of apples

Unlike Apple or even Samsung who have built-in tools to help make tablets more work-friendly

A 130 pound female could not do it

this is a dangerous step down a rabbit hole.

He said something stupid, got called on it and apologized. That’s it. That’s how things are supposed to work.

..I honestly don’t give a damn about DOAX3.

The last one also bombed hard, leaving many to speculate that the company was just looking for a reason not to do a western localization and they decided on this one.

A hugely successful show that ran for years? ok.

I love Bethesda games like nobody’s business, but I’ll never buy them on launch day. They release buggy, unbalanced nightmares that make little sense mechanics-wise. I wait til a few months later when modders fix them.

Yes, but male celebrities get a nearly infinite number of second chances.

Hey genius, she DID call the police, and they told her what he did was ok. When the cops won’t help you, some public shaming might work.

None. It’s not in production yet.

Qualcomm’s metal-passing tech is still too new to be in phones, and the nexus 6p has a metal unibody.

It’s the metal body. It blocks wireless charging.

NO, the problem is guns AND those other things. Mass violence against women doesn’t stop when guns are gone. It’s still a problem.

That seems pretty racist given what this article says.

It’s certainly not her story. She says this boy and his friend cornered her.