
Hah yah, 126... this was my other camera as a kid:

Yah, the 80s are more known for those little 110 cameras and disc cameras.

His crime was running a Twitter account that celebrated the terrorist group and taught others how to send money through Bitcoin.

Provided the operator can actually drive it and use a camera at the same time, which this guy apparently can’t.

Why don’t you move some of that stuff off the phone?

She can’t be fired, or she would have been already. She’s an elected official, not an employee.

The noise drives me crazy.

Once we move to being able to project our phone as a full-fledged OSX/Chrome/Windows device, then it’ll be necessary.

No thanks. You kinda forgot the part where women were part of the property exchange.

You ARE NOT going to need those specs for anything

Hardware comes first, then software. You can now run things like photoshop and sketchbook pro on that phone. And since it has a wacom stylus like your surface pro, it works rather well.

When you start asking around, you mostly find that the people bitching the loudest about losing those two things don’t even usually buy new phones anyway. They’re still rocking note 2s and 3s, and want the SD card and battery because they’re too cheap to use clouds or pay $50 to get a sealed battery exchanged.

….but it doesn’t have a removable battery or expandable storage, which is even more of a crime in a device that’s more for work and less for play like the S6.

“to symbolize that Paula continues to enrich herself and her friends with monetary rewards at the expense of shareholders, employees, and anyone with a real stake in the company.”

Won’t someone think of the poor, poor, bigots?

I’m going to get hate for this; I don’t support women in our PRESENT US military or police forces

Definitely a huge overlap between libertarians and child molesters.

DisplayMate does analysis on all brands. When Apple releases the 6s, they’ll post that here too.

The note 5 is getting about 8 hours of screen on time. If that’s only half a day for you, you use your phone way too damn much.

Because she was elected, not hired. She needs to be removed by the voters, and that takes time.