
I’m just really tired of those stupid SD cards and idiots calling themselves “power users” because they fill up two cards with shitty downloaded movies.

Your SD card is about a million times more likely to fail than Google’s servers.

Also, they have the only 128GB smartphone.

The main point is that you fail to understand or come to terms with the fact that Samsung just crippled their flagship phone.

It sounds way more practical to use multiple external accessories, cables, and adapters to manually manage which subset of photos, videos, music, documents, apps, and other files will be accessible on my phone on each given day as opposed to sticking a memory card the size of my fingernail into the back of the phone

Use a flash drive.

Point being, there is plenty of tech available that readily address the lack of on-board storage, so you really can’t hold it against OEMs for cutting this feature.

SD cards only affect ROM speeds by a few milliseconds. Anyone saying they can notice a difference is either lying, experiencing a placebo affect, or should report as a super-hero. Removing SD cards had only a single purpose... force users to purchase cloud storage, or pay for larger internal storage. It’s a freaking

We are everywhere we are legion... Sorry I hate paying $100 for an extra 16 or 32 gig built in to a phone when a good high speed microSD is far cheaper and almost as fast.

How many people store 3d models on their phone to work on? Sure, it’s disappointing for your specific needs, but don’t pretend that you are indicative of the market as a whole

My beef is that I complained about no SD cards and many said ROM is waaaaay faster and the phone would have 128 GB.... sure , but class 10 SD cards do just fine for just about anything.

Nah, the $50 includes the battery and labor. That’s the end price on the replacement. That’s for a third party tech in your own city. If you mail the phone to Samsung, they’ll do it for $45.

more being able to buy a new battery instead of a new phone when they die after a year or two.

But when that many are abused over time, it’s pretty easy to come up with a million reports. I mean, we’re talking tens of millions of abusers every year.

We’ll see. The skimping to get it down to $400 happened somewhere more than just the SOC. Motorola isn’t making these phones for no profit.

It seems to take nice photos in daylight, but fall down hard in low light, as one would expect with a budget phone.

Probably about the same as a clean note 4, faster than a clogged up note 4. Slower than an S6.

The FBI.