
Someone can’t do math.

Kinda sounds like you’re just on a mission to be offended, and I’m not interested.

Somewhat. It lacks the removable battery and I’m betting the G4’s camera will be a lot better than the Moto’s.

Yes, it should be obvious that an average phone will suit an average user. I don’t know why you think that’s a valid counter-argument.

When 1 in 4 children are sexually abused in the United States, I don’t think you need duplicates to reach that number.

Do yourself a favor and never look into the experiments trying to figure out what percentage of men are turned on by prepubescent girls. It’ll ruin any faith in humanity you had left.

Rumor is there’s a refresh of the nexus 5 coming this fall, still 5 inches.

No, the ways they skimped on the phone to make it cheap. One of the ways is the budget SOC. The SD 808 uses an Adreno 418 GPU, which is even slower than last year’s 805 that packed the Adreno 420.

And somehow, it only costs $400.

No removable battery is a deal breaker for me and most users.

Why should I pay extra for a 64GB phone when I can just buy a 128GB microSD for cheaper?

Umm, you can unlock a new samsung phone without ever touching the screen. Just push the home button, put your thumb on the fingerprint sensor and you’re good to go.

All samsung phones have OTG capability. Plug a 128gb flash drive into it and dump your video onto that.

I’ll take 64gb internal memory over an SD card any way. It’s over 4x faster. Fork over the cash.

They’ll be in juvenile detention until they turn 18, at which time they’ll transition into the adult prison system. Being tried as an adult doesn’t have anything at all to do with where you’ll serve your time.

Having kids tried as an adult is a political move by people who want to look tough on crime, not a move based on any evidence about their actually developmental competencies.

I knew it wasn’t ok to stab another girl 19 times when I was 13.

He’s not cool enough to be in this one.

And it’s always the same underlying bullshit message: “women! Stop being sexual or men won’t value you!”

Little kids are vicious by nature. Their parents are supposed to teach them to be nice.