The guy who said it me was really old too, but I was still taken aback! And yeah, we use Oriental to describe rugs, never people. It's amazing how a generation or two changes people.
The guy who said it me was really old too, but I was still taken aback! And yeah, we use Oriental to describe rugs, never people. It's amazing how a generation or two changes people.
How is this something that is still being said in 2013? People are so dumb sometimes.
It is a legit acute viral hemorrhagic disease according to Wikipedia.
A month ago a patron at the library I work at refered to Asians as Orientals. I actually paused and had to process that. I had never heard anyone actually say that in real life before.
I only think of the Supernatural ep titled Yellow Fever, I didn't even know there was another gross version of that phrase. Or I think of the actual illness. Thanks internet for making me sad about the world again!
I honestly believe that many Americans are concerned about the effects of our military. But it's probably hard for people to really mourn the victims because we didn't do it ourselves, some higher up in the military okay'ed it so we can absolve ourselves of guilt and ignore it. I think we should be taking more…
I eat meat and all but that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Animals have to wait until EVERY SINGLE HUMAN ISSUE is solved? No, we can multitask for god's sake. (I say this as someone who will likely become at least a vegetarian soonish, so I'm concerned about animals anyway.)
What you said sums up everything I feel about this. Also, I lasted one page on the Black Girl Dangerous blog before I had to run away. I really thought I was going to see a valid representation of a queer woman of color and instead it was like corn>marriage equality. I think GMOs are hella important. But maybe we…
I think everyone is able to muster up more empathy for their own kind. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's human nature. If you think the majority of people in Afghanistan are as tore up over Boston as their recent bombings, you're wrong. I'm sure England was more upset about about their train bombings than…
Yes on so much of this. When they had the try out scene I was like Yeah this is Bring it On with singing.
When I worked at a McDonalds at 16 I received a complaint that there were two men in a bathroom stall in the restroom. I had literally figured out gay sexual activity the week before and was dying of embarrassment/curiosity. Now looking back on it and how the management handled it, it was definitely prostitution.
I feel so awful for this woman's family. I can't imagine losing a family member abroad.
I got all my sources narrowed down and I feel like that's enough until tomorrow. I am going to regret this so much in the morning. Whatever, tonight I'm young and reckless. (And tomorrow I will be young, stressed out and crying.)
I just need to store up an arsenal of clever gifs that I can use when words fail me in my…
Hey, the internet can be full of vicious assholes. Intimidation is pretty understandable. I'm glad I don't care anymore though. I had to learn to roll my eyes when someone was being unnecessary. Which means I do hella eye straining when on xojane.
I thought it would be at this one theater that isn't exactly next door but not in the county over or anything. It's not. Which is just Boo awful.
If you recommend a post, it gets it out of the grey area faster, I believe. That's my understanding anyway.
I'm jealous you even have the option of seeing the new Gosling since it is not playing anywhere near me. I am so not pleased with that. Good luck to you too, sometimes knowing someone else feels your academic…
I've got a 6 page due Monday and an 8 due Thursday with numerous presentations sprinkled through the week. When anyone asked if I wanted to enjoy this beautiful weekend I was like Die badly, you bitch because anyone not suffering is no friend of mine.
As much as I love Big Poppa, I cannot ignore that he once rapped
I'm laughing so hard at that image.