Sir, this is an Arby's.
Sir, this is an Arby's.
One could certainly compare Trump or Musk to a Nazi if that’s where their political view point takes them. Most people would disagree (based on polling), however, it’s really not something other than an opinion people like to throw around.
“He’S A NaZi ‘BecAusSe hE dRiVes a tEsla!”
I really miss my Sunbird. The Quad 4 rules.
What happened? Did it catch on fire? You certainly talked about owning a Polestar 2 in your recent comments? Oh, well.
So, by your logic, doesn’t driving a Polestar 2 make you a full on Communist and an avid supporter of the Chinese Communist Party?
I bought a new Model 3P in August of ‘23. It’s enormously fun to drive and was a good value proposition when considering a $5K factory discount plus another $10K in state and federal tax incentives.
I suspect the issue with Tesla drivers is the relatively low entry point for ridiculous level acceleration. Any knucklehead with $54K can now buy a 500+ HP car with a sub 3 second 0-60 time.
Odd take there, Collin. The update seems very well done and a nice improvement over the prior gen Y. I get that styling is subjective, but this is a much more contemporary and crisply styled car.
Ice screws up the northerners too, although to be fair, our roads don’t really get icy that often, relatively speaking.
It so rarely gets above freezing in the far north, why bother with A/C?
C’mon. The new Charger is literally a completely different platform with no commonality to the old LX platform (other than being fast and loud).
I think the market is long overdue for a large coupe with a hatch.
C’mon. Uber and Lyft drivers are contractors by every legal definition.
Pretty sure they had no clue what JDM meant.
A solid NP assuming it passes a PDI, which it likely would, considering the appearance and obvious care.
The S2000 was never a JDM only car if you’re using the common definition meaning “Japanese Domestic Market”.
Well, the GM Epsilon 2 platform was widely praised by virtually every well regarded source. Even Consumer Reports gave the Impala a 95 out of 100 score, and they typically hate GM products.
I bought two AP2s over the years, both with teen miles, enjoyed them immensely for about 5 years each, and made a slight profit on both.