
As much as I hate Musk and hope he chokes on his own diarrhea’d shit, I’m kind of inclined to side with you. It’s easy at the outset to be like “ah you’re a nazi cuz you bought a nazi’s product”, it’s a slippery slope. I’m pretty sure all of us use products where we’re supporting horrible actions.

Eh. Minnesota here, but I’ve lived all over. We get to 100+. Not nearly as often as you guys do, but we do get there. What sucks is that we also get to -30, real temp, and sometimes lower. I remember when I moved here the first time decades ago, waiting for the school bus with a windchill of -50.

Sooo .. an EV Boxster:

Weight going from 3000 to 3600 ... a BIG deal
EV sounds ... a BIG deal
Complaining about manuals .. in a Porsche .. because of city driving. Right.
Complaining about sportscar mileage in a city .. you’re not using it right
Talking about how useful a 2 seater convertible is regarding storage space ..

My eyes glazed over the moment you complained about the manual.

Good take. I had one as well. It is an excellent roadster. My biggest problem is that I’m almost 6'3" and it felt perfectly proportioned for the 5'7'” population (my wife loved it). 

Most people only saw these in rental spec, but in higher trim levels they were pretty good cars - better than most competitors at the same transaction price.

You think it’s “insensitive” to remove a Confederate flag after Trump’s attempted assassination? Why is that? What does this flag have to do with Trump? Because it shouldn’t have anything to do with him. He’s running for President of the United States, isn’t he? I feel like he should want to support the removal of a

Reading that the Tesla driver had “liability only” insurance on a presumably expensive newer car

I’m going with driver error, not a malfunction. I would have left too if I was the Jeep.

What a hellhole this automotive blog has become.

that would assume people take responsibility for their dumb decisions, but nope, you’ll always have those fools who think their truck is more important than the other residents

Isn’t that kinda the same thing 

The truck isn’t significantly bigger than most other trucks in the same category/class. No chance parking is a real issue. The guy probably realized he’s stuck with a shitty overpriced hunk of metal, and is trying to find a way out of that insane contract. 

It's a dumb guy with a CyberCuck story.

Being condescending when called out makes him seem beyond insufferable. Either he’s on an open road or his “cop buddies” illegally closed one for him and he threw them under the bus.

A typo and a pretty bad one — everywhere else I’m reading that should actually be 5,700 pounds — a curb weight spec of 5,667 if you want to get specific.

At first I thought this was a 200 inch vehicle when I saw that weight number.  

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose newspaper told him to suck it
They did not approve
And told him to move
From public beach where he had stuck it

There once was a man from Nantucket

I feel bad for the damaged police cruiser.