And then your friend heard him terminated the engagement and joined you in firing him to pluto in a bucket, yes?
I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.
I barfed a mid-bj when I was 18, drunk, blowing my then-boyfriend during a party (I know, classy). The worst thing is that I tried to pretend it didn’t happen and then proceeded to try to brush the puke off his balls. He stayed with me until I broke up with him a year later. Poor guy.
You can start your response with something like, “you are 100% correct sir.”
Is it just me or is she not that great of a pornstar? Terrible looking boob job and sub par skills. I feel like people are into her because they get to watch a middle eastern woman fuck. Or maybe it’s just her social media presence.
Not gonna lie that last shot of his Joker was pretty damn cool.
I get that there needed to be some kind of punishment, but $135000? That’s just ridiculous and only adds fuel to the bigots who are using them as icons. And who gets all that money?
This is nothing. The New York Mets have been pretending to be a pro-style team for 53 years.
Jay Z purchased Tidal as a business venture, so it wasn’t the fact that he wanted to profit from it that bothered me. I expect a business owner to do their best to turn a profit.
Yeah I’m not always the biggest T Swift fan but she seems completely right here. If Apple wants to lure people in with a free trial, which is a totally standard marketing move, it’s on them to pay for it as part of their promotion costs. A hotel offering a free night’s stay to new visitors wouldn’t be able to forgo…
Can we all decide to be sick of Taylor Swift now? The friend and mansion collecting. The status whoring. The white-girl feministing. The boy-toying. Enough.
I respect her all the more for doing this, and I don’t think she is just looking to cash in. It is a terrible policy not to pay people for their work.
Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,…
you’re not going to watch the video? I’m going to file a Title IX complaint against you! For Feminism!
Sigh...this is why we can’t have “nice” things. Agree or disagree, fine. But really, this kind of thing just adds more fuel to the Rush Limblah army—”Feminazis!” he’ll cry, while sitting on his mountain of money. And the real issues will be swept under the rug as usual.
Nobody wins in all this. The cops get shit on just for being cops, and the citizens don’t get protection from the legitimate threats to life and property.
I like you and I bet you are awesome to hang out with.