Fabian Knockwurst

I’ve never seen a single post on mastodon in the last year I’m on it that was controversial-enough, or more so, illegal. I’m not saying that these posts don’t exist, but I have 3 Mastodon accounts on 3 of the biggest instances, and I haven’t seen a bad post yet. As far as I know, these instances are blocked quickly

Man, this is gonna be so much fun!

At 1:05, Shax and Ransom are wearing the weird Crusher/Troi backwards yoga outfits!!!

Here in California, I mostly use it to kill ants. Mixed with sugar, they’ll take it back to their nest and feed it to their queen, then the whole nest dies.

I keep a box of “20-Mule Team Borax” around the house primarily to kill roaches!  Here in Georgia, we get huge cockroaches (which we politely call Palmetto Bugs) in the Summer.  I have two cats and a dog (and 3yr old niece), so I don’t use pesticides in my house.  Borax (mixed 50/50 with water in a spray bottle) will

As it happens I just finished watching ye olde Animated Series for the first time. It’s pretty darn good stuff by the standard of kid’s shows in the 70s, incredibly cheap animation notwithstanding. Very impressive that they got almost the whole cast back together for it, and a lot of decent writers, too.

Though it’s

Fuck me corporations are dumb. They rushed the original Adventure Time to an end (creators wanted the final season to be 2) only to turn around and greenlight 5 specials and a new spinoff season. Just why?

It kills me that I’ve been watching Venture Bros for 20 (!) years and most people have still never heard of it.

If they never get another chance to make any more of these, then I at least hope they get every opportunity to channel that same creativity and passion to something else.

so fucking stoked

Remember last month when DeSantis’ team released an anti-LGBTQ attack ad which targeted Trump? The first half of the ad/video was clips of Trump saying “I love and support the LGBTQ community” during the 2016 campaign, intercut with images of him holding pride flags and footage of drag queens saying “Make America

No matter who wins, we lose.

Two morons with enormous egos, near equal pettiness, and fragility that would make an egg blush will be so much fun to watch. I just hope the Ds just step back and let the R circular firing squads do what they will.

Reddit solved it a day ago lol

Sabine calling Ashoka “master”?

Wow, I never knew that dial thingy was a thermometer. I always thought it was a propane gauge, when it was pointing at the high numbers I have gas and when it was at the low numbers, I am out of gas.

First one was the only good one.

Seriously?  If anyone doesn’t say “Curse of the Black Pearl” or “the first one” they are a no good liar and trying to rage-bait the internet.

Zac mentions it during their fight -- once you’re in the palace long enough, the ore used to construct it blocks out the radiation’s effects. 

Was Roger Stone in any recent tour groups, by any chance?